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Blog idea: the only way to keep a secret is to not say it online #345

Open Mikaela opened 8 months ago

Mikaela commented 8 months ago

you're trusting the message platform to delete your stuff no matter what you end up using, best practice is to avoid providing any info you don't want them to have

This is only the nth time I hear this, which I am told in various contexts and often as a response to https://aminda.eu/blog/english/2021/08/03/matrix-perfect-privacy-not.html#you-mentioned-privacy

In order to not start screaming about it, I think I should write a blog post, possibly preprending it with FAQ and just link people to it.

OK, first off you might be right. You never say anything about yourself online. However is that meaningful? Are you so afraid of social cooling you don't resist? Do you want to live in Kallocain or 1984 or Fahrenheit 451, because you are afraid of being a human to humans?

Do you have empathy or do you prevent yourself from developing empathy due to never sharing anything about yourself and being shared things in return?

This blog post has a side of being judged for being openly LGBT* and others feeling safe enough with me to share their questioning.

This blog post idea should be returned to while feeling more calm and collected.

Mikaela commented 8 months ago

I am not sure if this piece of personal internet history or growth story belongs here, but it will now be placed here for processing at a better time and consideration whether or not it's relevant.

I am not arguing about privacy. I am arguing that people need to be in contact with people to develop as people and be happy which may also be a prerequisity to personal growth

In Kallocain everywhere has police eyes and police ears and there are house assistants reporting everything

And people don't know each other at all, not even their partners or children who might also report them and thus they misinterpret a lot

The only hope is secret societies and a desert city who do things like handshaking and sleeping together nonsexually without having a gun

And I think the world is slipping in that direction especially with the people who keep repeating that you shouldn't post anything online or even offline by that matter

I might be selfish by not having any meaningful relationships offline or in short distance, next to no one even knows I have been plural for years as I fear it would come haunt me with job seeking and all

The other possible future is Fahrenheit 451

People no longer know each other as they only stare at TikToks from TV and they are AI generated, people don't even remember where they have met their partner and try to commit suicide out of unfullfilment and then not even remembering that

...I also don't know how am I maintaining anything and I think my most meaningful connections are in this room and ... family WhatsApp group

I just don't do communication in private and it tends to center in groups

In freenode (precedor of LiberaChat) people often had their ##channels with various levels of liveliness and at some point ##mkaysi turned into ##mikaela

at some point I was inappropriately open at project channels (maybe I still am a bit?)

I used to be a problem in PPFI channels too regardless of what I am doing, although I wasn't one of the people who have resulted into the main channel stealthily moving once or twice (and thinking of doing it again)

There was all the AvPD mess in the mix too, but also healing

At some point I made a private Telegram channel where I then vented things calling it as shortblog and I bridged it to #mikaela as at some point I got the IRC network too

As many important to me people were using irc rather than Telegram

I don't remember when Matrix came to picture but sometime 2016 was Ciblia:matrix.org because of Jolla Fan Club

And as previously mentioned, this room happened when Putin attacked Ukraine and I was expecting Finland next and internet mass surveillance any time soon regardless of transport encryption

Mikaela commented 8 months ago

I additionally believe that taking risks with who to trust with being the real you is necessary.

I would like to quote Miracle of Sound here and say The price of progress is a dying world, the price of trust is pain and also say it doesn't have to be like that.