Mikaelemmmm / go-zero-looklook

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initializing source docker://docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.13.4: pinging container registry docker.elastic.co: Get "https://docker.elastic.co/v2/": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-04-01T12:33:34+08:00 is before 2023-04-06T04:16:02Z #106

Closed zongqi closed 1 year ago

zongqi commented 1 year ago

就是我在部署go-zero-looklook的时候,执行到这一步, 然后就报证书已过期或尚未生效的异常 docker-compose -f docker-compose-env.yml up -d [+] Running 0/12 ⠼ go-stash Pulling 3.5s ⠴ asynqmon Pulling 3.5s ⠴ redis Pulling 3.5s ⠴ jaeger Pulling 3.5s ⠴ mysql Pulling 3.5s ⠴ prometheus Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kafka Pulling 3.5s ⠴ grafana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kibana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ filebeat Pulling 3.5s ⠴ elasticsearch Pulling 3.5s ⠴ zookeeper Pulling 3.5s initializing source docker://docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.13.4: pinging container registry docker.elastic.co: Get "https://docker.elastic.co/v2/": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-04-01T12:33:34+08:00 is before 2023-04-06T04:16:02Z

Mikaelemmmm commented 1 year ago

就是我在部署go-zero-looklook的时候,执行到这一步, 然后就报证书已过期或尚未生效的异常 docker-compose -f docker-compose-env.yml up -d [+] Running 0/12 ⠼ go-stash Pulling 3.5s ⠴ asynqmon Pulling 3.5s ⠴ redis Pulling 3.5s ⠴ jaeger Pulling 3.5s ⠴ mysql Pulling 3.5s ⠴ prometheus Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kafka Pulling 3.5s ⠴ grafana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kibana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ filebeat Pulling 3.5s ⠴ elasticsearch Pulling 3.5s ⠴ zookeeper Pulling 3.5s initializing source docker://docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.13.4: pinging container registry docker.elastic.co: Get "https://docker.elastic.co/v2/": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-04-01T12:33:34+08:00 is before 2023-04-06T04:16:02Z



检查客户机上的系统时钟并确保设置正确。如果时钟相差很大,可能会导致SSL/TLS证书验证错误。 尝试使用不同的网络或从不同的位置访问docker registry,以查看问题是否仍然存在。可能存在网络问题,导致SSL/TLS握手无法成功完成。 检查是否有更新版本的docker客户端可供安装。在较新的客户端版本中可能已经修复了此问题。

Mikaelemmmm commented 1 year ago

就是我在部署go-zero-looklook的时候,执行到这一步, 然后就报证书已过期或尚未生效的异常 docker-compose -f docker-compose-env.yml up -d [+] Running 0/12 ⠼ go-stash Pulling 3.5s ⠴ asynqmon Pulling 3.5s ⠴ redis Pulling 3.5s ⠴ jaeger Pulling 3.5s ⠴ mysql Pulling 3.5s ⠴ prometheus Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kafka Pulling 3.5s ⠴ grafana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ kibana Pulling 3.5s ⠴ filebeat Pulling 3.5s ⠴ elasticsearch Pulling 3.5s ⠴ zookeeper Pulling 3.5s initializing source docker://docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.13.4: pinging container registry docker.elastic.co: Get "https://docker.elastic.co/v2/": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-04-01T12:33:34+08:00 is before 2023-04-06T04:16:02Z

The error message suggests that the SSL/TLS certificate used by the docker registry at docker.elastic.co has either expired or has not yet become valid. This could be due to a misconfigured clock on the client machine or an issue with the certificate itself.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

Check the system clock on the client machine and ensure it is set correctly. If the clock is significantly off, it may cause SSL/TLS certificate validation errors. Try accessing the docker registry using a different network or from a different location to see if the issue persists. It is possible that there may be a network issue that is preventing the SSL/TLS handshake from completing successfully. Check if there is an updated version of the docker client that you can install. There may be a fix for this issue in a newer version of the client.