MikeDacre / fyrd

Submit functions and shell scripts to torque and slurm clusters or local machines using python.
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Job.write sbatch script error when using modules #76

Closed surh closed 7 years ago

surh commented 7 years ago

I have a script that creates a job with

midas_job = fyrd.Job(midas_command,runpath = os.getcwd(),outpath = args.logdir,
                      scriptpath = args.submissions_dir, clean_files = False,
                      clean_outputs = False, mem = args.memory, name = job_name,
                      outfile = "midas.snps." + sample + ".log",
                      errfile = "midas.snps." + sample + ".err",
                      partition = args.queue,
                      nodes = 1, cores = 8, time = args.time,
                      modules = "MIDAS/1.3.0")

and then writes the submission scripts with:

midas_job.write(overwrite = True)

However inspecting the sbatch scripts that are generated shows that the module load and the sbatch time option are in the same line and without any space in between

#SBATCH --ntasks 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 8
#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4
#SBATCH --mem=10000
#SBATCH -o /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/logs/midas.snps.SRS051941.log
#SBATCH -e /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/logs/midas.snps.SRS051941.err
#SBATCH -p owners
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00module load MIDAS/1.3.0

The last line causes an error if I try to submit with sbatch. The following minimal example recreates the error.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import fyrd

command = 'blastp -h'

job = fyrd.Job(command, modules = "ncbi-blast+",
               partition = 'owners', time = "00:30:00",
               mem = "100MB")

And here is the result of running that script

$ module_fail.py 
20170817 15:51:28.145 | WARNING --> Command sbatch /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/small/blastp.0.28a13d85.cluster.sbatch failed with code 1, retrying.
20170817 15:51:29.163 | WARNING --> Command sbatch /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/small/blastp.0.28a13d85.cluster.sbatch failed with code 1, retrying.
20170817 15:51:30.187 | WARNING --> Command sbatch /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/small/blastp.0.28a13d85.cluster.sbatch failed with code 1, retrying.
20170817 15:51:31.204 | WARNING --> Command sbatch /scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/small/blastp.0.28a13d85.cluster.sbatch failed with code 1, retrying.
20170817 15:51:32.247 | CRITICAL --> sbatch failed with code 1
-----------------------------------> stdout: 
-----------------------------------> stderr: sbatch: error: Invalid argument: load

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/surh/src/micropopgen/module_fail.py", line 9, in <module>
  File "/share/PI/hbfraser/conda_envs/sur-python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fyrd/job.py", line 566, in submit
    raise _CalledProcessError(code, args, stdout, stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['sbatch', '/scratch/users/surh/micropopgen/exp/2017/today4/small/blastp.0.28a13d85.cluster.sbatch']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Maybe the easiest thing is to remove the module load from the ".sbatch" script since it is already called correctly in the ".script" script

module load MIDAS/1.3.0

I am using the following commit on the dev branch:

commit 674c8729523088af7e564d42b5f483e92fa47de5

MikeDacre commented 7 years ago

Note, there are currently a few other bugs in dev, fixing now.

MikeDacre commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed in dev now, let me know if you still have issues @surh