MikeGawi / ePiframe

ePiframe is an e-Paper (or HDMI, Composite display) Raspberry Pi Photo Frame with Google Photos and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TypeError: display() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given #75

Closed xdweaver closed 1 year ago

xdweaver commented 1 year ago

I'm stuck please help me. Everything works great but when I send an image I get this error.

MikeGawi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for rising this issue.

What Waveshare display are you using? And what Waveshare package and color schema you have configured in display and epaper_color values in config.cfg.

xdweaver commented 1 year ago

Thank you for helping me, here is the config.cfg

No need to restart service after changing any of those values ; as this file is loaded per every display refresh/run ; Run the main script with flag --check-config to verify configuration


Set 1 to get photos from Google Photos.

; The rest of the values in this section regarding GP should be filled as well when enabled.

ACTIVATION IS NEEDED! Check documentation.

Default: 1 (enabled)


Google API credentials filename and path.

Default: credentials.json


Google API token pickle filename and path to save authentication token

for further use.

Default: token.pickle


Names of the photo slide source albums in Google Photos.

; Multiple allowed - comma separated (e.g. Greece 2020,Tom's 2nd birthday).

Empty means all. Default: empty


Set 1 to get photos from local storage.

; The rest of the values in this section regarding local should be filled as well when enabled.

Default: 1 (enabled)


Path of photos in local storage.

Folder will be created if not exists.

Default: 1 (enabled)


Set 1 to get photos from local storage recursively from subfolders.

Default: 1 (enabled)



Temperature units.

One of the values: metric or imperial

Default: metric


Path of the downloaded original photo slide and conversion location.

Default: .


Download name of the original photo slide.

Leave only name in photo_download_name as the extension will be added


Default: origphoto


Converted name of the current photo slide showed on the display.

Default: photo.bmp


Converted photo slide thumbnail filename.

Default: photo_thumb.jpg


Original photo slide thumbnail filename.

Default: origphoto_thumb.jpg


Path and name of ePiframe service log files.

Path will be created if doesn't exists.

Use empty to disable logs.

Default: logs/ePiframe.log


Path and name of the ImageMagick convert tool binary.

Default: /usr/bin/convert


Path and name of the RRDTool binary.

Default: /usr/bin/rrdtool


Path and name of the FBI imageviewer binary.

Default: /usr/bin/fbi


Path and name of the index file holding current photo markups.

Default: index


Path and name of the list file holding whole photo collection.

Default: list


Path and name of the PID file holding current running script PID.

Default: pid


Path and name of the interval multiplication file holding current photo


Default: time



Type of the display connected: SPI or HDMI/Composite.

It's affecting other options specific for the display type.

Possible values: SPI, HDMI.

Default: SPI


Type of the e-paper display.

Possible values: Waveshare, Pimoroni.

Default: Waveshare


Color palette of e-paper display.

This determines what kind of conversion will be used for the image.

Other means no conversion and it will rely on the driver to adjust the


Possible values: BW (black&white), BW+Yellow, BW+Red, 4 colors, 7 colors,


Default: BW


Used for e-Paper SPI displays!

Name of the display class from Waveshare or Pimoroni Inky python codes.

Default: epd7in5_V2


Clear display before refresh.

Use in case of ghosting. The frame update will take longer when enabled.

Default: 0 (disabled)


Number of terminal (virtual console) used for HDMI/Composite display.

This option wrongly set may hang or corrupt terminals.

The default set will work on X and non-X environments.

Default: 1


Photo frame refresh slide interval in seconds.

; Waveshare producer says it's best to wait min 180s between ; refreshing the display, so keep this value >= 180 ; Average photo preparation time (download + processing) may take up ; to 3 minutes on RasPi Zero so keep in mind that it will take ; some time on reboot.

Default: 600 (10 minutes)


Allow slide_interval multiplication.

When in photo description there is interval_mult_hotword and value,


i.e. Frame 3

this photo will be displayed slide_interval * multiplication longer.

; Users should manually add this DESCRIPTION per photo.

Default:1 (option is enabled)


Hot-word to find in photo descriptions for the interval multiplication.

; Option interval_mult will not work without this. ; Don't leave it empty as someone can put for example ; year the photo was taken in it's description and it will ; mess it.



Maximum interval multiplication for interval_mult.

; Option interval_mult will not work without this.

Every value above will be set to interval_max_mult value.

E.g. 10 when interval_max_mult=5 will result in slide_interval

Starting time for every day of the week of photo frame to start changing


Starting with Monday and Sunday is last.

; That will save power and will not update ; photo frame when it's not seen, e.g. at night. ; The values should be between 0:00 and 23:59. ; To change the format see modules/timermanager.py

Put - when frame should not work that day at all.

Default: 5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30 (start updating every day at

5:30 in the morning) start_times=5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30,5:30

Ending time for every day of the week of photo frame to stop changing


Starting with Monday and Sunday is last.

; That will save power and will not update ; photo frame when it's not seen, e.g. at night. ; The values should be between 0:00 and 23:59. ; To change the format see modules/timermanager.py ; Put - when frame should not stop updating that day and will ; work until start_times - or stop_times next days. ; - here when - same day in start_times will not update frame.

Put - everywhere to let frame work all the time.

Default: 23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30(stop updating every

day at 23:30 in the evening stop_times=23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30,23:30

This will allow to control power of HDMI (only) display.

Enabling will power off the display during stop times and power on

display during start times.

Default:1 (Enable power control).


This will allow to trigger (from web, bots, etc.) photo change or update

during off hours. Disabling will respect sleep time and supress triggers.

Default:1 (Enable triggers).



Used for e-Paper SPI black&white displays!

There are 6 standard types of conversion to black&white image (add more in

convertmanager module). Every option gives slightly different

results and you can pick the one best for your display. Types are:

1 - Floyd-Steinberg dither

2 - Floyd-Steinberg dither + high remap

3 - GIMP like result

4 - Floyd-Steinberg ordered dither

5 - direct conversion to black&white

6 - simple conversion to black&white + basic dither

; To add more see modules/convertmanager.py

Default: 1


Width of the display. Default: 800 for the Waveshare 7.5inch paper

display 800x480 V2 image_width=800

Height of the display. Default: 480 for the Waveshare 7.5inch paper

display 800x480 V2 image_height=480

Convert photo to grayscale, used for HDMI/Composite displays.

1 for grayscale photo. Default: 0 (colorful)


Colors number limit used for HDMI/Composite displays with limited palette.

Empty for no change and > 0 for specifying colors number.

Can be combined with grayscale option.

Default: empty


Invert colors - white will be black and black will be white.

; It can look interesting in frames with dark passe-partout frame.

1 for negative photo. Default: 0 (normal)


When image is smaller than the display

underlay will be added. Options: white, black or photo.

; photo will put blurred original photo underneath - takes more time to process.



Determines if photo EXIF orientation

should be respected: digital cameras use orientation sensors to store

a value for how the camera is held.

This option makes processing time a bit longer.

Default 0 (do not rotate according to EXIF orientation value)


Frame position - horizontal or vertical.

Default:1 (horizontal)


Indicates if photo should be turned upside-down for horizontal frame


Default:0 (normal)


Frame rotation in vertical position.

Values: 90 (right) or 270 (left) degrees.

Default: 90


One of the image enhancements.

Calculates the mean values of an image, then applies a calculated -gamma


Default:0 (disabled)


One of the image enhancements.

It finds the exact minimum and maximum color values in the image

and then stretches the values to the full range of values.

Default:0 (disabled)


One of the image enhancements.

Increases the contrast in an image by stretching the range of intensity


Default:0 (disabled)


One of the image enhancements.

Adjusts the photo brightness.

Value from -100(less) to 100(more) in % units.

Default:0 (no change)


One of the image enhancements.

Adjusts the photo contrast.

Value from -100(less) to 100(more) in % units.

Default:10 (+10% more)


Pimoroni Impressions e-paper displays saturation factor.

Possible values 0.0 - 0.99 float




Show random photos.

; Photos will be showed randomly once per ; whole collection turn, list will be updated on every run. ; With this option on asc/desc sort has no power.

Default=0 (no randomization, show in creation time order)


; All filtering options can be used in the same time (not only separately) ; to narrow number of photos

Starting creation date and time for photos filtering (everything after)

In format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (e.g. 2020-05-01 10:01:17).

; To change the format see modules/filteringmanager.py

Empty means no low limit. Default: empty


Ending creation date and time for photos filtering (everything before)

in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (e.g. 2020-05-01 10:01:17).

; To change the format see modules/filteringmanager.py

Empty means no high limit. Default: empty


Number of photos to show. Only n first photos from the albums (and

filtered if set) will be shown. Empty means no limit. ; This will work only with randomize option disabled

Default: empty


Sort photos by creation date and time.

; This will work only with randomize option disabled

Options: none (no sorting), asc (ascending), desc (descending)

Default: none (no sorting)



Set 1 to show weather (icon and temperature) on the displayed photo.

; The rest of the values in this section should be filled as well when enabled.

Default: 0 (do not show)


API key for the weather data.

; Get it for free on https://openweathermap.org

Default: empty


Latitude of weather location.

; Get it here: https://www.maps.ie/coordinates.html

Example: 53.2734

Default: empty


Longitude of weather location.

; Get it here: https://www.maps.ie/coordinates.html

Example: 7.7783

Default: empty

lon= -123.317047

Weather information position.

; One of the values: 0, 1, 2, 3 ; 0 is for left-top corner ; 1 is for right-top corner ; 2 is for left-bottom corner ; 3 is for right-bottom corner

Default: 0 (left-top corner)


Weather information font size.

Default: 20


Weather information font color.

One of the values: white, black.

; Font stroke will be always in opposite color

Default: white


[Telegram bot]

; Please restart service after changing any of values in this section ; as bot thread is persistent per token and to not interfere threads ; it's better to re-run it

Set 1 to use Telegram bot to control frame from Telegram IM.

; The rest of the values in this section should be filled as well when enabled.

Default: 0 (disabled)


Telegram bot API token.

; Taken from BotFather Telegram Bot after creating new bot

Example: 1234567890:ABCDEFGAHIJKLMNabcdefghijklmn012345.

Default: empty


Chat ids to talk with.

; Set the chat ids (take them from Telegram API) to narrow the chats that can control Telegram bot ; Multiple allowed - comma separated

Example: 123456789,-987654321.

Default: empty (everyone can control bot)


[Web interface]

; Please restart service after changing any of values in this section ; as webUI thread is persistent per port and host and to not interfere threads ; it's better to re-run it

Set 1 to use WebUI to control frame from the website.

; The rest of the values in this section should be filled as well when enabled.

Default: 0 (disabled)


ePiframe WebUI host.

Example: (local only). for (all) public IP address.



ePiframe WebUI port.


Ports below 5000 need root privileges.

Value in 1-65535 range.

Default: 80


Set 1 to show and gather statistics (load, temp, mem) in

WebUI. It should not be noticed in device performance,

but disable if worried.

Default: 1 (enabled)


Set 1 to load UI dark theme.

Default: 0 (disabled = light theme)


I'm using a waveshare 7.5 3 color., Im using epd_7in5b_V2.py

On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 10:28 PM Mike Gawi @.***> wrote:

Thanks for rising this issue.

What Waveshare display are you using? And what Waveshare package you have configured in display value in config.cfg.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/MikeGawi/ePiframe/issues/75#issuecomment-1404607393, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AUPNU7ZCLTT53CEHQ4GWYU3WUIKP7ANCNFSM6AAAAAAUG4NYU4 . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

MikeGawi commented 1 year ago

Please set display=epd_7in5b_V2 in config.cfg as currently you have epd_7in5_V2 BW display specified and let me know about results.

xdweaver commented 1 year ago

@.***:~/ePiframe $ ./ePiframe.py --test-display ePiframe - e-Paper Raspberry Pi Photo Frame 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : Verifying configuration... 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : OK! 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : Sending to display... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 909, in main() File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 610, in main test_display(config, logging) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 765, in test_display display_manager = DisplayManager(config) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/modules/displaymanager.py", line 42, in init self.display = WaveshareDisplay(config) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/misc/wavesharedisplay.py", line 30, in init__ module = importlib.import_module("waveshare_epd." + self._display) File "/usr/lib/python3.9/importlib/init.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1030, in _gcd_import File "", line 1007, in _find_and_load File "", line 981, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_V2.py'; 'waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_V2' is not a package

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 12:37 AM Mike Gawi @.***> wrote:

Please set display=epd_7in5b_V2 in config.cfg as currently you have epd_7in5_V2 BW display specified and let me know about results.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/MikeGawi/ePiframe/issues/75#issuecomment-1404693278, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AUPNU725OWHP7ZKFW2QNA2LWUIZULANCNFSM6AAAAAAUG4NYU4 . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

xdweaver commented 1 year ago

I see what I did wrong. I fixed it and it worked!! thank you..

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 12:55 AM Daniel Weaver @.***> wrote:

@.***:~/ePiframe $ ./ePiframe.py --test-display ePiframe - e-Paper Raspberry Pi Photo Frame 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : Verifying configuration... 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : OK! 2023-01-26 00:55:08 : Sending to display... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 909, in main() File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 610, in main test_display(config, logging) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/./ePiframe.py", line 765, in test_display display_manager = DisplayManager(config) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/modules/displaymanager.py", line 42, in init self.display = WaveshareDisplay(config) File "/home/pi/ePiframe/misc/wavesharedisplay.py", line 30, in init__ module = importlib.import_module("waveshare_epd." + self._display) File "/usr/lib/python3.9/importlib/init.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1030, in _gcd_import File "", line 1007, in _find_and_load File "", line 981, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_V2.py'; 'waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_V2' is not a package

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 12:37 AM Mike Gawi @.***> wrote:

Please set display=epd_7in5b_V2 in config.cfg as currently you have epd_7in5_V2 BW display specified and let me know about results.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/MikeGawi/ePiframe/issues/75#issuecomment-1404693278, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AUPNU725OWHP7ZKFW2QNA2LWUIZULANCNFSM6AAAAAAUG4NYU4 . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

MikeGawi commented 1 year ago

Great! Happy it worked! I will close this issue but don't hesitate to report new ones in the future.