MikeLydeamore / Ex-Astris

Ex-Nihilo Addon
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Crash with TSteelworks when Dust is not created for melting. #37

Closed InkDragon closed 9 years ago

InkDragon commented 9 years ago


Mods Installed: Cookiecore - Required for tsteelworks Ex Astris Ex Nihilo Mantel Tconstruct TSteelworks - https://github.com/Ephys/TinkersSteelworks

All versions are the latest available versions.

Crash happens at bootup, and can be 'fixed' by disabling dust smelting in the high oven.

MikeLydeamore commented 9 years ago

Please update to latest versions of Ex Astris (http://ci.tterrag.com/job/Ex-Astris/) and Ex Nihilo (http://ci.tterrag.com/job/Ex-Nihilo/) to fix this.

InkDragon commented 9 years ago

Still happening, even after updating to the latest ex Astris and Ex Nihilo builds from the links you provided. http://paste.ee/p/Pjpby

Or should I post this on tsteelworks?

Fixed by reverting a version on ex nihilo(version 1.37 rather than the 1.38 from the jenkins)

MikeLydeamore commented 9 years ago

Should be fixed now, was caused by nothing loading silver/copper etc and me not checking for it.

Grab from here:http://ci.tterrag.com/job/Ex-Astris/17/

InkDragon commented 9 years ago

thank you <3