MikeLydeamore / Ex-Astris

Ex-Nihilo Addon
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Metallurgy Support: Missing Zinc grave/dust/sand, possibly silver and platinum as well #47

Closed Monstrel closed 9 years ago

Monstrel commented 9 years ago

Dusts for Metallurgy's precious metals (zinc, platinum, silver) are not created by Ex Astris. Ex Nihilo produces these dusts, sands and gravels for platinum and silver if Thermal Expansion is installed so it makes sense that they were overlooked, but zinc is completely absent regardless.

MikeLydeamore commented 9 years ago

Using just Metallurgy + Ex Nihilo + Ex Astris, both Platinum and Silver generate for me (http://puu.sh/gwUSD/13a5a7254f.jpg). I'll get onto adding Zinc shortly.