MikeLydeamore / Ex-Astris

Ex-Nihilo Addon
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Particles ignore particles setting #82

Open sfPlayer1 opened 9 years ago

sfPlayer1 commented 9 years ago

The particle spawn rate should take the game setting into account, reducing the particles to maybe 50% and 10% respectively. Their simulation is quite performance intense as well, there's certainly room for improvement.

LoveHoly commented 9 years ago

what particle? barrel? sieve?

sfPlayer1 commented 9 years ago

Any, but the sieve ones are the most problematic with their gravity collision checks.

LoveHoly commented 9 years ago

Automatic sieve particles exist disable option. Barrel particles is Ex Nihilo control...

sfPlayer1 commented 9 years ago

Well the point of the option is obviously to only reduce them, besides being the one exposed to the user. You can easily implement it as mentioned above by adding e.g.:

if (worldObj.rand.nextInt(9) < 9 - Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.particleSetting * 4) return;

at the start of TileEntitySieveAutomatic.spawnFX.

Nio9345 commented 8 years ago

I still can't find the option to disable the autosieve particles.... I have optifine installed and I can't disable them....