MikeMitterer / dart-l10n-gettext

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How does it work in HTML? #2

Open zreptil opened 5 years ago

zreptil commented 5 years ago

Hi Mike,

first of all: great work! I tried to use intl_translation, but this is not useful anymore since it doesn't work with build_runner. Then i found i10n and think this could be useful, if i can understand how it really works.

The main problem seems to be HTML:

I use this in HTML:


When i run the mkl10n tool, then the string is extracted. But when i look at the site in the browser i see this in the browser:


This also works the same way for _("Einstellungen").

What is the correct usage for this? What am i missing?

Another question: why is the command to create the dart-files exactly the same as creating the arb-files? This is somewhat confusing, since i don't really know what is happening, when i start the command. Is it reading the source and producing the arb-files or is it reading the arb-files and creating the dart-files?

Even if this should make the usage easier, it is not clear in which order these two commands are executed.