MikePopoloski / slang

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Question: Is it possible to ignore certain errors? #380

Closed zegervdv closed 3 years ago

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to use slang as a linter to find issues with my code faster. I can run it on a single file to quickly see issues, but it flags the included modules as unknown.

Is there a way to ignore those warnings? Maybe through some --lint-only flag?

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

There is an --ignore-unknown-modules flag to not report errors about unknown modules. You could probably also pass each file via -v to mark them as "library" files, so they don't automatically instantiate modules as top level. I could see adding a --lint-only flag or similar that would not try to instantiate any modules at all automatically.

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I'm not seeing the --ignore-unknown-modules in the help. And slang also does not recognize it:

slang: unknown command line argument '--ignore-unknown-modules'

I am on the 0.6 release version

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

Although it reports itself as slang version 0.5.0daf9da

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

Oh hmm, did you download this from the release? Or build it from source?

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I got it from the releases

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

OK, the CI build -> release process must be broken somehow and attaching old binaries. In the mean time you should build from source.

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

Alright I'll give it a try

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I keep running into build issues on the latest hash:

slang/source/binding/OperatorExpressions.cpp: In static member function ‘static slang::Expression& slang::ConditionalExpression::fromSyntax(slang::Compilation&, const slang::ConditionalExpressionSyntax&, const slang::BindContext&, const slang::Type*)’:
slang/source/binding/OperatorExpressions.cpp:954:53: error: no matching function for call to ‘slang::BindContext::setAttributes(slang::ConditionalExpression&, const slang::SyntaxList<slang::AttributeInstanceSyntax>&) const’
  954 |     context.setAttributes(*result, syntax.attributes);
MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

What compiler are you using? The CI builds are running fine on HEAD.

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I’m on Ubuntu 20.04 with gcc-9.

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

Had to upgrade to gcc-10.

I am seeing the --ignore-unknown-modules option, but the output is still the same. It is still reporting errors for the unknown modules.

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

Can you post an example that reproduces the issue?

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

Upon further examination I noticed the errors about the modules have disappeared, but I am still seeing them on packages and interfaces.

This is my minified test:

module foo #() (
  input logic clk,
  input logic reset,
  itf.bus command

  bar #(.param(4)) test_i (.clk(clk));

Which returns:

$ slang --ignore-unknown-modules test.sv
test.sv:4:3: error: unknown interface 'itf'
  itf.bus command
warning: no top-level modules found in design [-Wno-top]

Build failed: 1 error, 1 warning
zegervdv commented 3 years ago

Even without the --ignore-unknown-modules flag slang is not reporting the unknown bar module when there are interfaces.

Compare with v0.5:

$test.sv:4:3: error: unknown interface 'itf'
  itf.bus command
test.sv:7:3: error: unknown module 'bar'
  bar #(.param(4)) test_i (.clk(clk));
warning: no top-level modules found in design [-Wno-top]

Build failed: 2 errors, 1 warning
MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

v0.6 made unknown modules not error if they are in an otherwise uninstantiated module. Modules with interface ports are not automatically instantiated (per language rules).

There's no way to suppress errors about missing interface in ports. I suppose one could be added; the use case seems a little weird to me because you won't be able to do type checking or name resolution or maybe even parameter evaluation for modules where you don't know the interface ports. Also you can only even know it's an interface port if you give it a modport restriction -- if it's just the interface name itself then it's totally ambiguous whether it's an interface or just a type name.

zegervdv commented 3 years ago

I understand. A lot of the potential errors become invisible if you cannot see the type/interface of a port or signal. I was trying to use slang a sort of static linting to see some errors sooner but of course that will always be limited when you can only see one file at a time.

Thanks for your time and work.

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

You can pass --parse-only to only get parser errors. This doesn't do name resolution or type checking, so it's not as comprehensive but may be closer to what you want.

MikePopoloski commented 3 years ago

I also added a --lint-only flag that wraps up some of the other options. It doesn't solve the interface port problem but as previously mentioned there's no way to solve that generally without just turning off all errors about unknown type names.