MikePopoloski / slang

SystemVerilog compiler and language services
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Let slang ignore backslashes at the end of lines in a -f file #964

Closed udif closed 3 weeks ago

udif commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug I don't know if I should define this as a bug or a feature request, but here it goes...

To Reproduce put backslashes at the end of each line on your -f file, and see slang complaining.

Describe the solution you'd like Many linux tools (mostly shells) requires you to put backslash at the end of the line if you want it to be considered as one long line. Out of habit, I put backslashes on some of my -f file used by one of the big tool vendors. Apparently it worked fine, because the tool didn't complain, and it kind of made sense since putting arguments in a -f file is replacing command line args which naturally needs to be on on line.
When I tried the same file with slang it failed miserably.

This change is small, and would be welcomed if only for the fact that other tools accept it, and it's not violating any standard by doing this. I haven't done any PR yet because I wanted to see first what do you think of such a change.

MikePopoloski commented 4 weeks ago

Sure, seems straightforward to me.