MikeSiLVO / repo.aeon.nox.silvo

Repository for Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO
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Update problem #5

Closed Andre19721972 closed 4 years ago

Andre19721972 commented 4 years ago

Yesterday i received a update to version 7.0.5 out off the Kodirepository. When I update, the standard skin Aeon nox silvo is comming, and not what i make before. All what I make before is gone. When i Move it back to version 6.1.8 everyting is oke. Normaly I update every time, never problems. This is the first time for me that aeon nox haves problems. The update to 7.0.5 keeps all my data/addons/Repositorys, only the skin is totaly standard. Now I am back on version 6.1.8 and kill the update.

Andre19721972 commented 4 years ago

After the new update 7.0.6 the problem is over, Thanks!