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Generate eventlogs from nofib test suite and store them on github #8

Closed Mikolaj closed 12 years ago

Mikolaj commented 12 years ago

Generate only versions with all possible events turned on (even GC_Work, etc., they are as numerous as other GC events and dwarfed by spark events in par tests). Validate them with ghc-events validate, view them in TS and store them at https://github.com/Mikolaj/eventlogs.

Mikolaj commented 12 years ago

I've tested TS with the eventlogs too big to upload

473M threads001.eventlog
318M threads003.eventlog
213M threads007.eventlog
140M callback002.eventlog
110M parfib.eventlog

except the top 2, which didn't fit into my 8G of RAM. I've also validated each of the 3 smaller eventlogs with ghc-events validate in all 4 modes (threads, threadpool, threadrun, sparks). Again the 2 biggest eventlogs required too much resources, especially in the threadpool mode, so I skipped their validation.

Edit: actually of all the validations of the smaller eventlogs, the following

ghc-events validate threadpool threads007.eventlog

took 3G of RAM and run for 30 processor minutes, so I've interrupted it, too.