MikroElektronika / HEXIWEAR

HEXIWEAR firmware
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broken build under linux by includes and linker path with case sensitive differences #9

Open mhanuel26 opened 7 years ago

mhanuel26 commented 7 years ago


Today I clone last version under linux and I have to change several includes and even linker path, the problem is that sometimes an uppercase was used in file name but lowercase appears on source, there were so many that I forgot them, i.e. , a file called HEXIWEAR_info.h but then hexiwear_info.h was used on source. Linker path was something as "Program_Files", but actual path is "program_files".

After setting source to match filenames I make it compile.

I will also suggest to stick with a pattern or a simiiar way to call files, i.e. I notice some files called with all uppercase others with a mixture, I will suggest to stick with same pattern, for example there is a file called PWR_Manager.c and other file called OLED_defs.c.


x29a commented 7 years ago

Please also see https://github.com/MikroElektronika/HEXIWEAR/pull/6 and https://github.com/MikroElektronika/HEXIWEAR/pull/8 - its a pity those are not merged into the repo