Mikusch / MannVsMann

A plugin for Team Fortress 2 that brings Mann vs. Machine upgrades and mechanics to other gamemodes
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 7 forks source link

Frequent server crashes #35

Open TinyDeskEngineer06 opened 1 year ago

TinyDeskEngineer06 commented 1 year ago

Every couple of games on a server with this plugin installed, at some point in the middle of a round the server console gets spammed with errors and all players lose connection to the server. These errors continue to rapidly fill the console, and nobody can connect to the server until it's shut down and restarted. errors_20230512.log

Mikusch commented 1 year ago

What precisely are you doing to trigger this? Do you have other plugins running that may interfere? The gamemode should run perfectly fine by itself.

Try unloading all plugins except Mann vs. Mann. If the problem goes away, load your plugins manually one-by-one to narrow down the problem.

TinyDeskEngineer06 commented 1 year ago

There was another plugin that seemed to be causing random server crashes with no errors whatsoever, and I haven't seen any of those crashes ever since this crash started occurring, so maybe the error spam is related to that? I'll try seeing if the crash occurs if I disable all plugins except for mannvsmann.smx and its dependencies.

TinyDeskEngineer06 commented 1 year ago

Okay, I don't think the server's going to crash again.