This is probably something I'm doing wrong, but I managed to get the TSAN algorithm working on my dataset (I think). However, the results are largely random noise. See image below of predicted vs. actual ages.
I used the two-stage model and the shell script In addition, I used the pretrained model Second_Stage_ScaleDesne/Second_ScaleDense. I did have to alter the Python script from
if opt.model == 'ScaleDense':
model = Second_stage_ScaleDense.second_stage_scaledense(8, 5, opt.use_gender)
print('Wrong model choose')
if opt.model == 'Second_ScaleDense':
model = Second_stage_ScaleDense.second_stage_scaledense(8, 5, opt.use_gender)
print('Wrong model choose')
Also, the output of the the code when it was ran is:
======= start prediction =========
TEST : [steps 2], Loss 278.7934, MAE: 13.3956
STD_err = 15.033906
CC: [[ 1. -0.20014753]
[-0.20014753 1. ]]
PAD spear man cc SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.8653139925024903, pvalue=2.9300691966550956e-20)
spear man cc SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.1856620308418212, pvalue=0.14187989318250752)
mean pad: -7.2646427
This is probably something I'm doing wrong, but I managed to get the TSAN algorithm working on my dataset (I think). However, the results are largely random noise. See image below of predicted vs. actual ages.
I used the two-stage model and the shell script
. In addition, I used the pretrained modelSecond_Stage_ScaleDesne/Second_ScaleDense
. I did have to alter the Python
Also, the output of the the code when it was ran is:
======= start prediction =========
TEST : [steps 2], Loss 278.7934, MAE: 13.3956
STD_err = 15.033906 CC: [[ 1. -0.20014753] [-0.20014753 1. ]] PAD spear man cc SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.8653139925024903, pvalue=2.9300691966550956e-20) spear man cc SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.1856620308418212, pvalue=0.14187989318250752) mean pad: -7.2646427