MilchRatchet / PAL

Polytime Algorithm Libraries
zlib License
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selectable Tests #11

Closed Mathemalsky closed 3 years ago

Mathemalsky commented 3 years ago

Please have a look at the changes. I had to change some more files than what seems natural due to some very suspicious error where the compiler couldn't find <string> included by a .hpp file.

Mathemalsky commented 3 years ago

I can't see the changes you have requested but I think b8cea48752f13d03a883e0c12b9a47376890c8ff solves it.

We could also think about the order the algorithms were listed in the help page. Actually it's first sorted by library and second by time they were merged into master. Maybe other orders (e.g. alphabetic in the abbreviation) would be more useful.

MilchRatchet commented 3 years ago

Yes, alphabetic first by library and second by problem and third by algorithm would be best I think.

I had not requested any changes in that sense. When you submit a review you can decide to approve or request changes. The only requested change was the default.