MilesCranmer / DispatchDoctor.jl

The dispatch doctor prescribes type stability
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Add support for module-level `@stable` #4

Closed MilesCranmer closed 1 month ago

MilesCranmer commented 1 month ago

For example:

@stable module A
    using DispatchDoctor: @unstable

    @unstable f1() = rand(Bool) ? 0 : 1.0
    f2(x) = x
    f3(; a=1) = a > 0 ? a : 0.0

where we use @unstable to mark functions that should not be wrapped.

(Tip: in the REPL, wrap this with @eval, because the REPL has special handling of the module keyword.)

This gives us:

julia> A.f1()

julia> A.f2(1.0)

julia> A.f3(a=2)
ERROR: TypeInstabilityError: Instability detected in function `f3`
with keyword arguments `@NamedTuple{a::Int64}`. Inferred to be
`Union{Float64, Int64}`, which is not a concrete type.

where we can see that the @stable was automatically applied to all the functions, except for f1.

[!NOTE] This will also automatically be applied to the code being added by any include within the module, by defining a custom include function at the top of the module.