MilesCranmer / PySR

High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
Apache License 2.0
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Highlight contributors #301

Closed MilesCranmer closed 1 year ago

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

I would like to highlight all contributors to either PySR, SymbolicRegression.jl, or DynamicExpressions.jl on the README and docs. This will use All Contributors: many contributions have been in the form of pull requests, but many others instead as code snippets, ideas, or feedback. Some contributions are not even explicitly known by the contributor, but were perhaps very helpful answers on Julia's discourse that have propagated to codebase - I would like to credit those too!

I would like to list you as a contributor: @mkitti @tttc3 @DhananjayAshok @johanbluecreek @AlCap23 @ngam @kazewong @ChrisRackauckas @patrick-kidger @Pablo-Lemos @Moelf @CharFox1 @johannbrehmer @marius311 @cobac @pitmonticone @sheevy @JayWadekar @Jgmedina95 @mcabbott @oscardssmith @henriquebecker91 @qwertyjl @rikhuijzer @GCaptainNemo @SauravMaheshkar - it will show up on the README like this:


I'm also going to add this same list to SymbolicRegression.jl. The emojis roughly correspond to the categories here: with some emoji swaps (eg, ideas=lightbulb)

Please let me know if you'd like to be taken off the list, otherwise no need to reply. There are no obligations by being on the list; it's just a form of open-source credit.

Will merge in ~1 week. I'll continuously update the list after that.

Future contributor additions can be made with the All Contributors bot in the form of a PR comment when someone contributes. The README list and .all-contributorsrc is auto-generated by this tool.

I'm inevitably forgetting some people; please let me know if you are one of them... When I remember those people I will add them to the list later.

henriquebecker91 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I am not sure what my contribution was (do not remember contributing to those packages). What is the best way for me to check? While I have no problem receiving credit when it is due, I want to be sure it is actually due.

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

You didn't submit a PR but I used your tips on these threads:

henriquebecker91 commented 1 year ago

Oh, now I do remember those discussions. If you believe them are enough to award a mention (and truly they are kinda through), then go ahead! I am happy to be mentioned.