MilesCranmer / PySR

High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
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Update Head Worker Occupation Warning #551

Closed kmlefran closed 3 months ago

kmlefran commented 4 months ago

Just a minor thing I noticed in my output that might want to be updated.

With the renaming of ncyclesperiteration to ncycles_per_iteration, the error message for high head worker occupation should probably be updated, as it still references ncyclesperiteration. Here is the warning I got in my run (with ncycles_per_iteration provided to PySRRegressor)

"Head worker occupation: 22.1%. This is high, and will prevent efficient resource usage. Increase ncyclesperiteration to reduce load on head worker."

MilesCranmer commented 4 months ago

Good catch! Thanks. (Happy to take a PR; will get to this hopefully soon otherwise)

MilesCranmer commented 4 months ago

Okay I fixed it with Just need to have the new backend version propagate.

MilesCranmer commented 3 months ago

Fixed in #564.