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[BUG]: PyTorch module does not preserve dimensions of input tensor #571

Open fburic opened 3 months ago

fburic commented 3 months ago

What happened?

The issue

The current _SingleSymPyModule.forward(self, X) method flattens input column vectors (dim=2).

If we have a column vector x with shape=(L, 1) (dim=2) as input, then the expected behavior is for the output y of a module to also have the same shape (and dim). Currently y has shape (L, )

Besides a matter of consistency, the flattening may not technically matter for single vectors, but as soon as one has downstream modules that expect a certain shape, there's a problem. Indeed, I found the issue with a multivariate _SingleSymPyModule, which takes its inputs from 2 other such modules. As the code expects a matrix of column vectors as feature inputs, an error is thrown, as the second dimension no longer exists due to the flattening in upstream _SingleSymPyModules. But this of course is not limited to compositions of this type of module.

Specifically, on line 184 of the export_torch module:

symbols = {symbol: X[:, i] for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_in)}

The extracted X[:, i] has dimension 1. This means that_SingleSymPyModule itself expects column vector features, but because of upstream flattening of X by another _SingleSymPyModule, we get the error below:


File [...]/pysr/, in <dictcomp>(.0)
    182 if self._selection is not None:
    183     X = X[:, self._selection]
--> 184 symbols = {symbol: X[:, i] for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_in)}
    185 return self._node(symbols)

IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 1

Suggestion for a fix

If one assumes inputs are always matrices of features as columns, then a simple fix is:

symbols = {symbol: X[:, i].unsqueeze(dim=-1) for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_in)}

which adds an extra dimension after the last shape index, so (L, ) becomes (L, 1). Then, the subsequent evaluation self._node(symbols) preserves the shape.


symbols = {symbol: torch.index_select(X, dim=1, index=torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.int32)) 
                    for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_in)}

torch.index_select returns a "tensor has the same number of dimensions as the original tensor." though this might be overkill given the above assumption. I'm not exactly fluent in PyTorch tensor manipulations, but the first solution seems adequate here.

The existing TestTorch tests pass with both solutions.



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Extra Info

The issue does not depend on the interface.