Closed djouallah closed 5 years ago
I copied the code from your example
library(sf) library(slippymath) library(purrr) library(curl) library(glue) library(raster) library(rgdal) library(tmap) uluru_bbox <- c(xmin = 143.5, xmax = 143.6, ymin = -34.8, ymax = -34.7) tile_grid <- bbox_to_tile_grid(uluru_bbox, max_tiles = 15) mapbox_query_string <- paste0("{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg90", "?access_token='I past here my long mapbox token'", Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_API_KEY")) images <- pmap(tile_grid$tiles, function(x, y, zoom){ outfile <- glue("{x}_{y}.jpg") curl_download(url = glue(mapbox_query_string), destfile = outfile) outfile }, zoom = tile_grid$zoom) background <- compose_tile_grid(tile_grid, images) tm_shape(background)+ tm_raster()
here is the result
sorry, I did not read the full documentation
I copied the code from your example
here is the result