MilesMcBain / spacemacs_cfg

Spacemacs configuration files and private layers
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Configuring private layers #10

Open mdmanurung opened 4 years ago

mdmanurung commented 4 years ago

Dear Miles,

I am very interested to try out emacs but currently I am being held back with the sheer amount of configs that I have to do. I hope you don't mind answering such a naive question of mine. How do I actually add the configuration in the private folders? Do I just have to copy-paste the folders or do I have to add these to the .el file?

MilesMcBain commented 4 years ago

Assuming a fresh emacs and spacemacs install, my process for installing this emacs config is:

  1. clone this repo
  2. instally my custom R layer: copy ./private/ to ~/.emacs.d/private
  3. add my .spacemacs file: copy ./spacemacs.el to ~/.spacemacs

Hopefully this answers how you add your own private layer config in the private folders. As to how that config gets developed - well I'm not entirely sure myself - I just followed the spacemacs documentation and examples. The key file is the packages.el so that would be a good place to start reading if you want to go deep on customising spacemacs.

As for emacs. I'm no whiz myself. I spent some time learning lisp which helps me hack config together but I've been feeling my way through it for YEARS now. What I'd like to do sometime soon is like actually read a book on Emacs so I can have the high level view of how it all fits together.

atanasj commented 4 years ago

I had the same question…

Do you replace the full contents of ~/.emacs.d/private with ./private/?

I've copied as per your reply above, however the keybindings for R do not work i.e., assign or pipe… Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

MilesMcBain commented 4 years ago

What spacemacs config are you using, the release or the dev branch?

atanasj commented 4 years ago

I'm using your fork... So, not sure. Sorry.

atanasj commented 4 years ago

@MilesMcBain, I think understand your question now. I'm using the stable version GNU Emacs 26.3 installed from the emacs-plus tap via homebrew. It is not the --HEAD version if that is what you mean.

MilesMcBain commented 4 years ago

Thanks this is close. I meant that question but for spacemacs itself. Basically does it say v2.00 or v3.00 when it loads... that's a much clearer way to ask it actually, sorry.

atanasj commented 4 years ago

Sorry, the only version I could find was 0.200.13@26.3 (spacemacs) or (Release 0.200.13.x)…? However, it's all good now. I got this working, I just hadn't copied over the .spacemacs file as I was supposed, and may be I had the layers further down that needed i.e., private/private/ess etc. Also, I tried the original and I couldn't get it to work because of the electric-spacing.el, but your fork did the trick… Thanks!

Now, I've just got to figure out how to get this running on a non-spacemacs config, if you have any ideas, I'm all ears! :-)