MilleXIV / XIV_Databar

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Rewrite Log #19

Open MilleXIV opened 8 years ago

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

Just putting this issue up so I can keep a log of changes for the rewrite (which I should have been doing already).

If anybody wants to test it out and add issues here's the branch: Don't forget to tag any rewrite issues with the text "[Rewrite]".


MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

Also, I had started working on the Currency module last night, which I will likely finish tonight. As well as integrating #18, since that should be simple.

I am working my hardest to have the rewrite completed before Legion drops.

Mikeprod commented 8 years ago

Fyi no one except you can tag the issues, users have no right to do it

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

Well damn. Did not know that. Updated.

Lelantis commented 8 years ago

Played around with it tonight a bit, loving it so far man. I can't wait to see the final and by all means take the time you need on it, all of us who use it know it's worth the wait.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Not sure if functionality requests should be done here or on curse, but is there a way to make the ilvl number static and have the durability come up next to it rather than have the durability come up and push the ilvl to the right ? Not sure if I'm explaining this correctly or not, sorry if I'm not / if this is the wrong place to put this. Love the addon so far and the work put in is very impressive.

Mikeprod commented 8 years ago

@Dwnsy I understand what you mean, I think. And the feature request should done by opening a new issue. But it is just a ext switch between durability and ilvl you want

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

I am calling this ready to go as of 71d4b9d5b064c91c333fc305e6c9fb29f479d039. Tagged as v2.0.

If anybody wants to test and leave feedback that's awesome. If not I'll be merging with master early tomorrow and deploying to WoWInterface and Curse.

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

Whee errors, awesome. For reference, what other addons do you have installed?

It looks like the font change takes effect after a reload (at least for me). Will have to figure out why the others aren't taking the new font...and 30s of testing later it seems to work just fine. Yeah, that's a confusing one.

Can you verify that the "Enabled" setting for both Travel and Gold modules are on?

Also, one bug that I know exists, when first loading into the game the talent frame will end up inside the clock. Pretty sure I have an idea of why but I'm looking into it.

Lelantis commented 8 years ago

I updated after the small changes you made and it seems to be good now, may have been operator error on my end haha. So far so good though after the last commits.

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

So testing the fonts as little bit more. It seems that it has to due with timing on the font loads. The clock and system stuff get it immediately because of OnUpdate handlers, but the rest have to wait until some other call to Refresh() to update. Specifically, I call Refresh() on all of them right away, but that might run before the font gets loaded. It's quite strange.

MilleXIV commented 8 years ago

Whee updating old ticket with new notes. I should look into integrating AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, which should load all the fonts and prevent that weird issue of them not working.