MilleXIV / XIV_Databar

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Use CC for text color option #28

Open MilleXIV opened 7 years ago

MilleXIV commented 7 years ago

Let the user select class color as the text color.

NerfOnline commented 7 years ago

Wanted to add my vote to this. I know some of the modules already have this option, but would love to have it available at all times instead of only when I hover my mouse of the modules. Also, for the xp module, is there a way to be able to change the bar color separately? At the moment, it uses the Inactive color.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

Trying to implement it on my end, if Mille does not do it himself.

NerfOnline commented 7 years ago

Awesomesauce! Just want to clarify, when I mentioned the xp module I meant to also include the tradeskill, since they all have bars. Right now the background color for the bars are using the inactive color.