MilleXIV / XIV_Databar

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Localization Cleanup and Creation #37

Open MilleXIV opened 7 years ago

MilleXIV commented 7 years ago

Need to clean up the localization file. I know I have some things in there that Blizzard already localizes so I need to remove those.

Also, if anybody would like to provide localizations just let me know. I'll credit your translations on Curse and WoWInterface.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

I can do it in French if you want

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

I can help with Russian

PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren commented 7 years ago

Offering German Translations

MilleXIV commented 7 years ago

Cleaned up the English file a bit in bfdb64c2e262abc3747110f113b29c03cf6595bc. Pulled in @PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren's German translation. If you guys want to add more translations just pull the latest, copy the enUS file to a file with the right localization code, and then do a pull request or attach it here with what name you want to be credited with.

And if anybody notices any issues post-cleanup, let me know. I added some strings from WoW's GlobalStrings.lua and I think I got the context correct, but can't always be sure.