MilleXIV / XIV_Databar

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Adding more travel-options #48

Open Kimab opened 7 years ago

Kimab commented 7 years ago

maybe it could be aaaaawesome to add more travel options... would save a lot of buttons in my ui :P

MilleXIV commented 7 years ago

Which options are you looking for in particular? I had planned to add to the list eventually, I just wasn't sure what items/spells would be wanted.

Vegeir commented 7 years ago

Astral Recall (Shaman), Death Gate (DK), and Dreamwalk (Druid) are three I use in a custom ring I made with Opie. I didn't bother with TP: Moonglade for sub-100 druids because no one really went there anyways ;)

MilleXIV commented 7 years ago

Those should all be in there, though I know you've been having issues with it as per #43. I can guarantee you Death Gate is in there (labels as Acherus/localization for Acherus), as I've been playing DK this expansion and I've used it repeatedly. xD

Vegeir commented 7 years ago

Nice! I haven't been able to toggle my options so I didn't know. Was just quoting those off the top of my head. :)

Kimab commented 7 years ago

i guess its easier if you add a function so the people can add every item do they want (if that is even possible) maybe you could ask for a name and the correct item id, or you get the name from the id or something else... there are a lot of travelitems out there and i think they all should be in there ;) my interface will thank you, hehe :D if you want a list of items, just tell me, i will make a list with the name (english) and the correct id - at least for items i have/use/know