MilleXIV / XIV_Databar

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Localisation help needed DE, RU, ZH #64

Closed Mikeprod closed 7 years ago

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

I developed new fetures that need translation on my repo. I therefore need help to translate them in :

Thank you

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

I tried to pull request Russian translation, but can't without permissions. Also, what "No tag" stand for?

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

You tried to pull request on my repo and did not work ?

I don't know the context where you might get have the "No tag" thing, but it means that no tag in the repo have been set like git tag - a v2.0.5

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

I'm about [No tag] in addon's translation file.

And i foud, what is main problem. It's impossible to fork a fork :( So it opens as your fork and I can't make new branch to pull request to your "master" and i ofc can't push to your branch because lack of permissions.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

The [No tag] is for BNet friends if they have no battle tag. Apparently it might be possible :D

You should therefore update your pull request here for the localization, I will merge the difference myself.

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

Ok, here it is. ruRU.lua.txt

And friend interatctions on friends tooltip like "whisper" or "invite" have no translation strings. Can you add them?

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

For the tooltips I replaced the strings with the Blizzard defaults.

Edit : Can you give me some feedback before pushing to Curse ?

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

Ok. It's now translated. But looks a bit weird.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

How weird ? :p

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago

It's just "/w" and "/w Character". Doesn't look like description anymore, now it just chat command. Invite looks great.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

Ok I'll let you translate the 2 additions then

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago


Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Updated on Curse too ;)

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

@Amanthuul I had a pull request for the Chinese locale in my fork this morning. I suppose the problem is that you cannot pull request on a fork when you have a pull request opened on the original repo ...

@yaoenqi pointed out that I had not translated the Master Volume, I require therefore one line of translation :D

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

Well I added some features this morning. @Amanthuul @PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren @yaoenqi Your help is needed ;) I will push the update to curse when mostly/all translated.

Amanthuul commented 7 years ago


PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren commented 7 years ago

IIRC you have to have your pull request accepted by @MilleXIV first. then i can pull from Mille's Master to add the missing Translation from my branch

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

@PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren better pull directly from my fork, then pull request there or do like @Amanthuul and enclose the translated file here.

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

@PhatsoTheGhostlyTauren you can now translate the needed strings here They are defaulted to the English ones.