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Problem with Artifact Weapon and Class Hall #70

Open PiinkLemon opened 7 years ago

PiinkLemon commented 7 years ago

I had a break of around 5 months from WoW and got back to it today, I saw this addon and absolutely loved how it looks ingame and its utility, but I noticed something that it is conflicting with. Whenever I have this addon enabled, I cannot open my Artifact Weapon window (shift + right click), nor can I open the order hall function to add points to my weapon or add relics to it. The only solution I have found so far was disabling this addon, which is something I didn't want to do as I really liked it. Is there a way to fix this?

Mikeprod commented 7 years ago

This repo and the curse page where you probably found this link is deprecated please refer to the other curse page where the add-on is maintained by me and where to the issue you described is fixed. Thank you for loving the addon. I currently have no pc so updates will come in a while. Please close this issue when solved. Thank you for your feedback