An "Operations System" for RepRapFirmware. Cheap and easy manual and automatic work-piece probing, toolsetting and more, for the Millennium Machines Milo.
It seems there have been a large number of issues related to inaccurate Z height or machines going out of limits. This appears to be down to issues with how the Z offset was calculated, using the original position of the toolsetter as probed during the wizard to calculate an offset for the datum tool itself, and then for any subsequent tools.
We now set the toolsetter Z position when the datum tool is probed rather than giving it an offset, and then set offsets on subsequent tools based on the probed activation point.
It seems there have been a large number of issues related to inaccurate Z height or machines going out of limits. This appears to be down to issues with how the Z offset was calculated, using the original position of the toolsetter as probed during the wizard to calculate an offset for the datum tool itself, and then for any subsequent tools.
We now set the toolsetter Z position when the datum tool is probed rather than giving it an offset, and then set offsets on subsequent tools based on the probed activation point.