MillenniumMachines / MillenniumOS

An "Operations System" for RepRapFirmware. Cheap and easy manual and automatic work-piece probing, toolsetting and more, for the Millennium Machines Milo.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Offset Toolsetting #124

Open benagricola opened 2 weeks ago

benagricola commented 2 weeks ago

Building on top of #96, this removes the manual approach (I'm not happy with the safety considerations of this, yet), and changes some of the messaging to be more consistent with the rest of MillenniumOS.

Not tested yet but no logic changes in here.

bdistin commented 2 weeks ago

The changes you've made are fine. But even though I have been using this, (when my machine was operational), I'm not completely convinced it's the best answer. Say if one blade is lower or higher than the rest, you will get an effectively wrong z offset.

My current musing, although without any code or testing behind it, is instead of asking which type of probing routine it's all automatic radial, however, you are asked center/left/right/front/back instead. "Center" is default and exactly how automatic radial works now. The other directions will offset to start with and pause for you to align the tool like as in this pr. However, instead of only taking one measurement, after the first dive, it will continue checking around the circumference of what's within the work envelope. Would also implement a limit based on that first measurement, like automatic radial works now, which probably addresses the safety concerns you have, if I were to guess.