MillhioreBT / forgottenserver-downgrade

TFS Downgrade 1.5+ is an engine based on nekiro downgrade but highly updated with current tfs code, it also has the lua modules divided and uses lua5.4
GNU General Public License v2.0
19 stars 18 forks source link

Compilation FMT error on Windows 11 VS 2022 #31

Open caiobps1 opened 2 months ago

caiobps1 commented 2 months ago

Before creating an issue, please ensure:

Steps to reproduce (include any configuration/script required to reproduce)

  1. Followed the instructions from wiki to compile on Windows 11 VS 2022
  2. Set /utf-8 in project propriety
  3. Try to compile in Release x64

Actual behaviour

Captura de tela 2024-09-09 182557

This issue can be associate to my fmt version? I am using fmt11 from the command .\vcpkg install fmt

I've tried compile in my VM ubuntu 22.04 and everything goes right.

Thanks for help! Congratulations for your amazing project, will be very useful for mine.

nolanggz commented 2 months ago

simple solution... forgot an include in script.cpp archive upon #include <fmt/color.h> put

include <fmt/ranges.h>

gesior commented 1 day ago

2. Set /utf-8 in project propriety

vcpkg does not compile some C++ libraries. Fix for all compilation errors on Windows: