Mimas / CurriculumMapping

Pilot web based application for mapping JISC Resource to Curricula and Qualification levels
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Make visible the fact that we are in the YES area when arriving at the resource's edit area #103

Closed pdiveris closed 9 years ago

pdiveris commented 9 years ago

Make visible the fact that we are in the YEZ area when arriving at the resourcez' edit area.

This iz the zame "problem" az the make vizible that we iz in 'yes' rather than 'not' for the grey colour on the selected button izn't a good enough indication for the practiszionerz that they iz in the 'yez' area. My bad.

onepablo commented 9 years ago

Hi Petros, have you considered using PAKO?

pdiveris commented 9 years ago

Yeah, done (wouldn't do if it was a new one as the current field was obviously null...)