Mimetis / Dotmim.Sync

A brand new database synchronization framework, multi platform, multi databases, developed on top of .Net Standard 2.0. https://dotmimsync.readthedocs.io/
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Selectively ignore some client changes? #1228

Open grandall-hb opened 1 month ago

grandall-hb commented 1 month ago

We have a multi-tenant database on SQL Server. We have some mostly-static tables in the master that occasionally get synced "download_only" to the tenants. This works fine. However, some tenants require customizations that necessitate changes to the tenant tables. Rearchitecting the tables to accommodate such customizations isn't in the cards right now. So I'd like to add a SyncClientOverride column to the tables, which prevents a row in the tenant from being overwritten by the master if it's set to 1.

I added a custom parameter to my setup with a Where clause that was essentially (SyncClientOverride = 0 OR [side].sync_row_is_tombstone = 1 But that didn't work because SyncClientOverride is always 0 on the server side.

I also tried it as an conflict interceptor, but interceptors aren't called on download_only tables because there are no conflicts.

So how can I implement this?

Mimetis commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure I understand well. What I understood so far:

If I'm right, here are my thoughts:

That being said, the conflict should still work.

I've made a test using AdventureWorks and the ProductCategory table, where I'm using the IsActive boolean column, in the same way as your SyncClientOverride:

agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnApplyChangesConflictOccured(async args =>
    var conflict = await args.GetSyncConflictAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("Conflict on client for row " + conflict.LocalRow );

    // if IsActive on client is set to false, then server wins and will override client row
    // if IsActive on client is set to true, client will win and will not be overriden
    if (conflict.LocalRow["IsActive"] != null 
        && bool.Parse(conflict.LocalRow["IsActive"].ToString()) == false)
        args.Resolution = ConflictResolution.ServerWins;
        args.Resolution = ConflictResolution.ClientWins;

And it's working, if I've understand well your scenario. Let me know

grandall-hb commented 1 month ago

That's not what I'm seeing. Even when I modify your Interceptor to return ClientWins in all cases, the server overwrites the client data.

grandall-hb commented 1 month ago

Ok, I'm almost there, but I'm seeing the exact opposite behavior. When the interceptor returns ClientWins, then the server overwrites the client. And when the interceptor returns ServerWins, The client row is untouched.

So I've got two tables with schema id, name, SyncClientOverride.

The server table has three rows: 4,ServerWins,0 5,ServerWins,0 6,ServerWins,0

The client table has: 4,ClientWins,1 5,ClientWins,0 6,ClientWins,1

When I run the sync, the interceptor prints to the console: ClientWins ServerWins ClientWins

But the client database has: 4,ServerWins,0 5,ClientWins,0 6,ServerWins,0

If I switch the logic in the interceptor so that it returns ClientWins if SyncClientOverride is false, then on the console I get: ServerWins ClientWins ServerWins

But in the database, I get 4,ClientWins,1 5,ServerWins,0 6,ClientWins,1

That's exactly what I want, but the logic is backwards. Or am I missing something?

grandall-hb commented 1 month ago

I should add that if the interceptor always returns ClientWins, then the server overwrites the client. And if the interceptor returns ServerWins, then the client's rows are left alone.

Mimetis commented 1 month ago

I need a repro sample to see what's you are doing wrong here

grandall-hb commented 1 month ago

So in SyncAgent.cs I see this line:

            // Policy is always Server policy, so reverse this policy to get the client policy
            var reverseConflictResolutionPolicy = serverResolutionPolicy == ConflictResolutionPolicy.ServerWins ? ConflictResolutionPolicy.ClientWins : ConflictResolutionPolicy.ServerWins;

This the issue that on the client, the conflict resolution is reversed? Because this seems to be the behavior.

Mimetis commented 1 month ago

In some circumstances, yes, but it's not your problem, I guess. Create a very sample repro I can use to reproduce your behavior and I will be able to help