Mimieam / TabSorter2

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Deduplicate should ignore parts in URL after hashmark (Fragment identifier) #10

Open mghomedev opened 5 years ago

mghomedev commented 5 years ago

Please add a setting to ignore all parts of URL after the "hash mark" for the "Deduplicate" button.

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier

The main purpose of the feature request is to work with ticket systems like trac ( see https://trac.edgewall.org/ ) and redmine (see https://www.redmine.org/ ).

We often have the same ticket open multiple times, but the URL is slightly different due to the hash tags in the URL, e.g. in trac it is like this:

http://tracserver.com/ticket/11393#comment:2 and http://tracserver.com/ticket/11393#comment:5 which are both same ticket "11393" and should be de-duplicated. Same issue with redmine, there we have the example

https://redmineserver.com/redmine/issues/71087#change-386359 and https://redmineserver.com/redmine/issues/71087#note-8 are actually the same ticket. Essentially, the de-duplicate function should ignore everything after the hashtag function "#" . This could be configurable in the settings menu. To be honest, I think most people would enable that setting.

Mimieam commented 5 years ago

That sounds like a great suggestion, I will be adding this to my todo list :)

nstielau commented 5 years ago

Agreed. Google Docs does this quite a bit as well, based on different sections of the document or slides in the deck.

shawn-yee commented 3 years ago

Adding a custom whitelist option, may simplify the logic in the short term