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Make the rules available via Linked Open Data in a triple store and serve it through a SPARQL-endpoint #153

Closed sgort closed 1 month ago

sgort commented 1 year ago

Make the rules available via Linked Open Data in a triple store and serve it through a SPARQL-endpoint. If we provide a SPARQL Endpoint we allow others to query our linked data/ metadata. We can provide links to the rules set download files (dumps) or the SPARQL endpoint. Download files relieve our server from strong crawling/querying activity for people interested in bulk loading (e.g. indexing) our dataset. SPARQL endpoints allow people to select a subset of their interest through a query.

Several frameworks/ tools are available for hosting RDF data. One of them is Sesame, an open source framework for storing and querying RDF data. Sesame can be installed on any appropriate server. A web interface, the OpenRDF Workbench, enables you to create a new RDF repository and upload RDF triples. Once the data is uploaded to the Sesame, users can query the dataset with SPARQL, the standard query language for linked data.

Other options to publish your data include the following platforms:

Source: https://www.pldn.nl/wiki/Step_8:_Publish_the_data

Pay attention. Not all links are up to date anymore. For recognisability, we use the text of the original source.

hayoschreijer commented 1 year ago

Perfect idea. Keep in mind that the performance of any SPARQL endpoint is not good enough for corporate use. At least not good enough for a "reasoner" engine that needs to pull rule-fragments from the database. We are looking at a atomic-data-database (=Linked Data store) to store rule-fragments with an index for performance. Please add "atomic data" to the list: https://docs.atomicdata.dev/.

Furthermore: most Linked Data stores are not capable of versioning/time sensitivity needed for rule fragments. We encountered this in the wetten.nl/Lido project where triples in itself are not enough to store a time/version sensitive relation.

sgort commented 1 year ago

Thx @hayoschreijer ! Consider Atomic data added. The idea arose partly as a result of this exploration for the Algoritmeregister: https://regels.overheid.nl/docs/linked-data/Algoritmeregister

sgort commented 1 year ago

Other options to be considered? The TNO list looks outdated.

sgort commented 1 year ago

Until further notice an Apache Jena Fuseki server deployed and loaded with first elaboration data dictionary Algoritmeregister. https://api-regels.nl/fuseki/#/dataset/Algoritmeregister/query

sgort commented 1 year ago

@onursagir , research the deployment and exploitation of Apache Jena Fuseki as part of our multistack infrastructure. Propose its design so that it becomes visible as a separate app in the releases.