MinBZK / work-packages-library

Public library for delivery of results work packages assigned in public private partnership
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As a PO I want an exploration of Solid Pod functions for access to public products & services and facilitating those using an applicable Pod Provider #19

Open sgort opened 1 year ago

sgort commented 1 year ago

For regels.overheid.nl, we work with work packages, these are small jobs for a fixed fee to deliver part functionality (proof of concept), including minimal documentation and tests.


Solid is a specification that lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure personal web servers for your data.

You can get a Pod from a Pod Provider, or you may choose to self-host your Pod.

User story

Outline subtasks or task

Acceptance criteria

Proposed solution

Demonstrates the functional question with Solid Pod Nextcloud's current solution.

Story points

The initial estimate of the size of this work package is:

Definition of “done”

marcvanandel commented 1 year ago

This relates to this research (or quest) of Kadaster. There is some background information available in this research as well as a working demonstrator. Publications will follow later 2023.