Once a new user is added the data must be updated in Mongo DB, so the run task for the user must be performed:
Description: Uses the Github Tracker Bot API /run-task-for-user endpoint.
Usage: /run-task-for-user username: since: until:
Username: Username for data to scraped.
Since: "YYYY-MM-DD" format since date.
Until: "YYYY-MM-DD" format until date.
Once a new user is added the data must be updated in Mongo DB, so the run task for the user must be performed:
Description: Uses the Github Tracker Bot API /run-task-for-user endpoint. Usage: /run-task-for-user username: since: until:
Username: Username for data to scraped.
Since: "YYYY-MM-DD" format since date.
Until: "YYYY-MM-DD" format until date.