MinaFoundation / gptSurveySummarizer

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UX Proposal: Forum Channel for Surveys #49

Closed berkingurcan closed 2 weeks ago

berkingurcan commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, We have new Survey UX Proposal with @CristinaEche:

When survey creator create a Survey from another channel, Surveys will be automatically displayed on Forum Channels as Threads with better UI. For example:

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 15 37 37 Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 15 39 43

It is basically implemented on this branch: https://github.com/berkingurcan/gptSurveySummarizer/tree/thread-post

User flow is like this:

CristinaEche commented 4 weeks ago

When using multi response creation modal: we need to match only 45 char. for each question.

berkingurcan commented 4 weeks ago

When using multi response creation modal: we need to match only 45 char. for each question.

It is in #45

For now, I can't see better solution.

CristinaEche commented 3 weeks ago

I have tested the forums proposal with Berkin, it offers better UX that is why we created the issue with this proposal, waiting on Evan's comments.

FYI. cristinaecheverry — 05/29/2024 1:58 PM ...Also we tested the other option of forum channels and it can be very useful since all the surveys will be listed in one channel but in a separated way...

es92 commented 2 weeks ago

This makes a lot of sense! Approved by me!

berkingurcan commented 2 weeks ago
