MinaFoundation / mina-on-chain-voting

Mina On-Chain Voting
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Update the UI of the website in production and staging environments #18

Open CristinaEche opened 1 month ago

CristinaEche commented 1 month ago

Based on the new design (to be provided by MF asap), update the following data:

  1. Update the favicon logo with the Mina protocol logo
  2. Update the left side logo header with a Mina protocol logo
  3. Github redirection at the top right side should redirect to Mina Foundation GitHub: https://github.com/MinaFoundation/mina-on-chain-voting
  4. Update website fonts to the same as the Mina protocol website
  5. Footer: update to the traditional Mina protocol website

Website address: https://ocv.minaprotocol.com/ (production env.) https://on-chain-voting-staging-devnet.minaprotocol.network/ (staging env.)

CristinaEche commented 3 weeks ago

Figma design:


CristinaEche commented 1 week ago

Font type to use: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/IBM+Plex+Sans