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Enable SPF, DKIM and DMARC mail security features for O(1) Labs Domains #4905

Closed O1ahmad closed 5 months ago

O1ahmad commented 4 years ago


In order to protect the integrity of O(1) Labs' mail correspondence and delivery pipeline from spammers who might attempt to spoof or send emails that only appear to come from O(1)'s trusted domain, it makes sense to ensure our mail and DNS host providers are properly configured for and make use of the following key anti-spoofing techniques available:


Ensure o1labs.org and codaprotocol.com DNS bindings are configured with the following:

O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

Mail Provider:

DNS host providers:

emberian commented 4 years ago

@0x0I do you already have a DMARC policy in mind? who will be receiving the reports?

yourbuddyconner commented 4 years ago

@emberian I would imagine we'd set up a security@o1labs.org address and receive them there if the generic contact@ email is insufficient.

This will also likely have an ancillary benefit of helping us diagnose issues with marketing emails and all that jazz.

O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

Hey @emberian: I do for the most part though figured a discussion makes sense (in some channel) to source ideas and synchronize on a plan going forward. This is meant to be that launchpad, in a sense, but figured I'd resolve the pubkey generation/admin privileges step to start.

I meant to link to support documentation which provides a recommended plan (e.g. including gradual deploys, limiting initial policy set, etc).

But yea, as far as details regarding recipients of violations, etc, something along the lines of what @yourbuddyconner suggested makes sense (akin to a machine account).

O1ahmad commented 4 years ago


O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

Next Steps:

  1. @o1brad + Ahmad to follow-up w/ enabling DKIM signing for o1labs.org GSuite mail traffic (via GSuite admin console)
  2. validation steps [6-9] (from signing support doc) to be performed by @o1brad + Ahmad following signing with messaging to org re: success of activation
  3. work with operations/infra to create a mailto email address to serve as a Reporting URI(s) for aggregate data (rua) -- necessary for DMARC setup.
  4. Discuss and sync on DMARC policy with operations/infra - policy notes:
    • (v)DMARC protocol version is required (must == DMARC1)
    • (p)suspicious message policy handler is required (may make sense to start with none/log)
    • (sp) policy handler for subdomains (seems like it should currently match p)
    • (pct)percentage of suspicious messages above (p)olicy applies to (100% seems reasonable...)
    • (rua) violations reporting address (set to product of step #3)
    • remaining defaults appear reasonable
O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

Example DMARC TXT Record for o1labs.org:

Name: dmarc.o1labs.org Value:v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:security-reports@o1labs.org; pct=100; sp=none

O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

DKIM TXT record for o1labs.orgs:

$ dig google._domainkey.o1labs.org TXT

; <<>> DiG 9.11.18-RedHat-9.11.18-1.fc32 <<>> google._domainkey.o1labs.org TXT
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 4265
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;google._domainkey.o1labs.org.  IN      TXT

google._domainkey.o1labs.org. 1799 IN   TXT     "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAhjEaLC6UEoDoJEzNc5jCCco6rxzpOlx7M8ru1+KGvSvCT1GL+zCT1rcmSqJvyWlbNcMAG+J+IcTJCH+S05EiZIfdgt2fDFveoLJJYhTNuOhsL+x5sWcKI4VmcLkklGvaZzpCew1nuhJLwMOpzgdZTUeROViXNPiNRJagbsTyXCm+dv4+yGunBTiw4Lu9wmodJ" "1bzFhAeSYKjfN3XyRzYD9NjL1oPOgZPvWPMzoXoVnr5uJON0xyNHVrzT6xGX8yJ4oPYxpdaG2sjlera8rifQydikrMS5piZEN3DUDziRucSKOBscAjvYQ+uz6WiabLYoI062e7tkS0rhtYFncVa1QIDAQAB"

;; Query time: 81 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Jun 02 18:18:19 EDT 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 481```
O1ahmad commented 4 years ago

@o1brad @bkase blocked due to upcoming changes?

o1brad commented 4 years ago

DKIM and SPF are enabled. I don't think we need to prioritize enabling DMARC.