MinaProtocol / mina

Mina is a cryptocurrency protocol with a constant size blockchain, improving scaling while maintaining decentralization and security.
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Remove unnecessary type variables #8566

Open mrmr1993 opened 3 years ago

mrmr1993 commented 3 years ago

In types that are used by snarky, we've historically used a type variable for each type appearing in a field. These type variables are never actually useful to us, make type errors hard to read, and make type discovery far more opaque.

To get the same level of field sharing, we should consider converting e.g.

(* src/lib/mina_state/protocol_state.ml *)
module Body = struct
  module Poly = struct
    module Stable = struct
      module V1 = struct
        type ('state_hash, 'blockchain_state, 'consensus_state, 'constants) t =
          { genesis_state_hash: 'state_hash
          ; blockchain_state: 'blockchain_state
          ; consensus_state: 'consensus_state
          ; constants: 'constants }

  module Value = struct
    module Stable = struct
      module V1 = struct
        type t =
          ( State_hash.Stable.V1.t
          , Blockchain_state.Value.Stable.V1.t
          , Consensus.Data.Consensus_state.Value.Stable.V1.t
          , Protocol_constants_checked.Value.Stable.V1.t )
        [@@deriving eq, ord, bin_io, hash, sexp, yojson, version]

        let to_latest = Fn.id

  type ('state_hash, 'blockchain_state, 'consensus_state, 'constants) t =
    ('state_hash, 'blockchain_state, 'consensus_state, 'constants) Poly.t

  type value = Value.t [@@deriving sexp, yojson]

  type var =
    ( State_hash.var
    , Blockchain_state.var
    , Consensus.Data.Consensus_state.var
    , Protocol_constants_checked.var )


to use functors to give concrete types

module Body = struct
  module Poly (State_hash : TYPE) (Blockchain_state : TYPE) (Consensus_state : TYPE) (Constants : TYPE) = struct
      type t =
        { genesis_state_hash: State_hash.t
        ; blockchain_state: Blockchain_state.t
        ; consensus_state: Consensus_state.t
        ; constants: Constants.t }
      [@@deriving sexp, eq, compare, yojson, hash, version, hlist]

  module Value = struct
    module Stable = struct
      module V2 = struct
        type t =
          .t =
          { genesis_state_hash: State_hash.Value.Stable.V1.t
          ; blockchain_state: Blockchain_state.Value.Stable.V1.t
          ; consensus_state: Consensus.Data.Consensus_state.Value.Stable.V1.t
          ; constants: Protocol_constants_checked.Value.Stable.V1.t }
        [@@deriving eq, ord, bin_io, hash, sexp, yojson, version]

        let to_latest = Fn.id

  type value = Value.t [@@deriving sexp, yojson]

  type var =
      (Protocol_constants_checked.Var).t =
    { genesis_state_hash: State_hash.Var.t
    ; blockchain_state: Blockchain_state.Var.t
    ; consensus_state: Consensus.Data.Consensus_state.Var.t
    ; constants: Protocol_constants_checked.Var.t }

Of particular benefit are:

psteckler commented 3 years ago

8581 is a different approach to this issue. I'd say that using a functor is more flexible, and much less difficult to implement.

psteckler commented 3 years ago

The example functor returns a versioned type, which the ppx lint rules currently reject.

It's fine, in fact.

psteckler commented 2 years ago

Making these changes requires a hard fork, since the version byte in serializations introduced by the versioned Poly will disappear (which is a good thing).

We should probably "version" these functors (Poly_V1, etc.), since the functors may differ when creating versioned types.

mrmr1993 commented 2 years ago

Making these changes requires a hard fork, since the version byte in serializations introduced by the versioned Poly will disappear (which is a good thing).

Completely agree, and looking forward to this 😁

We should probably "version" these functors (Poly_V1, etc.), since the functors may differ when creating versioned types.

I'm not sure how necessary that is if we expand the aliases, since the linter will be able to check the actual structure of the type when it's expanded. (If ocaml/ocaml#10777 is considered for merge, we might be able to achieve this with polys instead of functors too, but I don't expect that any time soon.)

psteckler commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how necessary that is if we expand the aliases

Right, if we keep around older versions, we may need multiple Poly functors, and it would be good to have a systematic way to distinguish them.

psteckler commented 2 years ago

We should have a standard module type name for the functor arguments, like Poly_arg. Unfortunately, the actual type will differ from case to case, because of the deriving contents, so we can't declare such a type once and for all. For Account.t, a signature that works is

  type t [@@deriving sexp, equal, compare, hash, yojson]
psteckler commented 2 years ago

We could use a ppx like:

[%%sig_type_derives sexp, equal, compare, hash, json]

to create such module types. We could also have the functor version number as an argument.