Port/Border Crossing --(Imports)--> Warehouse --(Merchandise)--> Store
Office Tower --(Tourists)--> Attractions
Oil rigs/Oil Wells/Oil Derrick --(Oil)--> Oil Refinery --(Gas)--> Gas Station
Farms --(Grain)--> Elevator --(exports)-->
Churches - in the houses part of town, possible for several for a town
Monastery - in remote, hard to get to places; on the ocean, with only a harbor (no heliport), or on the top of the highest mountain, surrounded by steep slopes, or maybe on an island in the middle of a river
Office Towers may be a separate industry, or just the big buildings in town; produce exports and tourists
Landfills are NOT built in town
Ports are built on the edge of the ocean, perhaps just in the ocean, close to land
Border Crossings are built on land within a few tiles of the edge of the map; import production is based on exports accepted, but with a processing delay (do 50 tons + 50% each month?)
Warehouses could produce Merchandise, bound for stores (in towns) or random products produced my other industries
Attractions (which accept tourists) could be modeled after any number of real world tourist attractions (Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, etc); should Churches accept (a limited number of) tourists?; what should Attractions produce?
Gas Stations and Stores are to be located in town
Sulphur is a major industrial output...
VIP's should have very low production (5-30? /month), pay extremely well, but have very steep falloff for slow transport, and very high decay when waiting in stations
Other industry ideas:
recreate Martian scheme from the original Transport Tycoon
all/mostly water industries
passenger (class) based
similar to the workings of the human body
update camping site
construction zones - have a limited lifespan
transport prices related to amount of cargo produced
Original author: w.minc...@gmail.com (February 03, 2012 03:43:34)
Church --(Pilgrims)--> Monastery --(Monks)--> Seminary --(Priests)--> Churches
Houses --(Children)--> School --(Smarty Pants)--> University --(Grads)--> Schools
Town --(Garbage)--> Landfill
Houses --(Commuters)--> Office Tower --(Exports)--> Port/Border Crossing
Port/Border Crossing --(Imports)--> Warehouse --(Merchandise)--> Store
Office Tower --(Tourists)--> Attractions
Oil rigs/Oil Wells/Oil Derrick --(Oil)--> Oil Refinery --(Gas)--> Gas Station
Farms --(Grain)--> Elevator --(exports)-->
Churches - in the houses part of town, possible for several for a town
Monastery - in remote, hard to get to places; on the ocean, with only a harbor (no heliport), or on the top of the highest mountain, surrounded by steep slopes, or maybe on an island in the middle of a river
Office Towers may be a separate industry, or just the big buildings in town; produce exports and tourists
Landfills are NOT built in town
Ports are built on the edge of the ocean, perhaps just in the ocean, close to land
Border Crossings are built on land within a few tiles of the edge of the map; import production is based on exports accepted, but with a processing delay (do 50 tons + 50% each month?)
Warehouses could produce Merchandise, bound for stores (in towns) or random products produced my other industries
Attractions (which accept tourists) could be modeled after any number of real world tourist attractions (Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, etc); should Churches accept (a limited number of) tourists?; what should Attractions produce?
Gas Stations and Stores are to be located in town
Sulphur is a major industrial output...
VIP's should have very low production (5-30? /month), pay extremely well, but have very steep falloff for slow transport, and very high decay when waiting in stations
Other industry ideas:
Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/openttd-noai-wmdot/issues/detail?id=46