MinchinWeb / seafoam

Pelican theme, first used for Minchin.ca.
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Revisit vertical cadence #34

Open MinchinWeb opened 1 month ago

MinchinWeb commented 1 month ago

Consider indenting paragraphs, over having a vertical spacer between them (as is now down). The CSS would be something like:

p {
  margin-bottom:  0;
  max-width: 65ch;
p + p,
ol + p,
ul + p {
  text-indent: 2em;

p + p is used to apply this only to paragraphs that follow another paragraph, so not the first paragraph after a heading.

Could also consider setting a hard maximum width for lines; between 45 and 75 is generally recommended; I think I'm currently ~55 characters per line. CSS like:

p {
  max-width: 65ch;

Revisit line spacing. Balance it so it "breathes" but also stays connected. Have it as a whole number of pixels.

With that in hand, revisit padding and line height of other elements, such as headings but also panels, headers (nav bar), and horizontal rules, to make sure the combined space of those element is a multiple of the (effective) line height. The idea is to establish a baseline height that gets repeated down and down the page.