Mincka / DMArchiver

A tool to archive the direct messages, images and videos from your private conversations on Twitter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DMArchiver stopped working: "Unknown element type" #14

Closed Gorrrg closed 7 years ago

Gorrrg commented 7 years ago

Since just a few days downloading the direct messages doesn't work anymore. Something in the HTML mus thave changed on Twitter's side.

I get the error Unknown element type. In the txt file the date, time and username is there but the actual text message is missing.

Gorrrg commented 7 years ago

Ok, I found the issue. They added another layer in the HTML code. Another DIV class. dm_elements should not be taken from DirectMessage-message but one level below from DirectMessage-contentContainer.

Changing that in line 463 made the script work again.

                    dm_elements = document.cssselect(
                        'div.DirectMessage-contentContainer > div[class^="DirectMessage-"], div.DirectMessage-message > div[class*=" DirectMessage-"]')
Mincka commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for the reporting and the fix! I hope to be able to release new versions for all the platforms this week.

Mincka commented 7 years ago

The proposed fix worked perfectly. Thanks a lot. Fixed in https://github.com/Mincka/DMArchiver/commit/21eecee22d1e22f2e544f39cd30a184e23cd1dcc

goofyhsk commented 7 years ago

-di and -dg aren't grabbing anything with this latest release (win x86-64)

Gorrrg commented 7 years ago

Yes, my fix worked only for text messages. https://github.com/Mincka/DMArchiver/issues/16

sussron commented 7 years ago

Hi Julien, I've downloaded the most recent release as I hadn't backed up messages since February. I decided to do just one of the conversations with images. I i put in the commands as you showed me (remember I'm not the techie one here so i apologize for my ignorance) . i'm still getting the Unknown element error that other users mentioned in prior threads. it is still processing tweets, but what is it not including so that I'm sure what i'm getting? Thanks in advance for your help

Thanks, Ronnie

screenshot 2017-06-24 18 19 22
