Mincka / DMArchiver

A tool to archive the direct messages, images and videos from your private conversations on Twitter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Kinda New. Just Need General Help? #66

Open notmudzy opened 5 years ago

notmudzy commented 5 years ago

So basically -- I don't know f*ckall about computers. I just want to access and view (and hopefully save) some not-really-old videos my partner has sent to me. Had previously planned on just scrolling back, but quickly found that she and I hit well over the 200 sent/200 received limit within just a a few hours. That being said, I was kind of hopeless.

I've managed to extract the text file of this conversation, and I have access to the media links, but they seem to be dead. If I'm understanding correctly, there should be a way to download these videos just like I've downloaded the text files? I know on the readme you get when coming to this site to download the program theres the "-dv" command to download all videos? But I dont know where to input these or how to execute it. Like I said, I'm quite slow with computers.

Sorry if this has been resolved for someone else before but I couldn't manage to find a post where it had been, and sorry if I'm being a bit difficult. Kinda just need a bit of a tutorial as what to do here. I tried reading up on the readme but it just seems like absolute garbled mess in my mind, and I know I'm already dyslexic as-is, but it seems like you need to know basic command knowledge which I...dont have. I'm running Windows 10 if that helps. Cheers.