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[Variants] Mathematical Chess #603

Open M-DinhHoangViet opened 1 year ago

M-DinhHoangViet commented 1 year ago

Hi .@ianfab. Hello all. Let me introduce you some new things. This is Vietnamese Mathematical Chess— http://cotoan.vnvista.com/rules-en.html The board contains 11 ranks and 9 files. Each side has ten pieces, numbered from 0 to 9. The board initial layout is as displayed in the picture below— https://i.stack.imgur.com/60P2Q.png Movements: Each piece (with the exception of 0 piece) can move in any direction (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally − forward or backward), the max number of squares a piece can move depends on the number of the piece. For example, the piece with number 2 can move 1 or 2 empty squares, while the piece with number 9 can move from 1 to 9 empty squares— Moves Capture: To capture the opponent's piece, a player must have two pieces one next to another. Then use the numbers of the two pieces to make calculations. Allowed calculations are + (addition), - (subtraction), × (multiplication), ÷ (division), and modulus (division reminder).

Any results of the calculations can be used to apply to the capture. If a result contains two numbers, then remove the tens number (for example 8×7=56=>use 6). Use a suitable result to make the capture by taking the piece behind to capture the opponent's piece.

For example, one player have an 8 piece and 5 piece next to each other vertically. Calculation results from these 2 pieces are: 8+5=13 (take 3) 8-5=3 8×5=40 (take 0 - which is useless anyway) 8÷5=1 with 3 as remainder (take both 1 and 3) The player can then use the 8 piece (the piece behind) to capture an opponent piece which is 1 or 3 squares away from the 5 piece (the piece in front), in the same the direction that 8->5 is.

72 and 49 are the two strongest combinations.

The image below shows how the 1 piece and 2 piece standing next to each other can capture the opponent's pieces. If an opponent's piece is on one of those X squares, the player can capture it. The calculations that the capture is based on are: 1+2=3, 1×2=2, 1÷2=0 with 1 as remainder— Move−Nums

The 0 piece (the one with zero number) is like the King in Chess. When it is captured, the player loses the game.

Besides capturing the 0 piece, players can agree at a certain point to end a match (if the 0 piece is not captured before that point is reached). The point that one player gains is calculated by summing the numbers of the opponent's pieces that have been captured.

For example, if the players agree to set the match's target "ending" point to 10. Then when a player captures the 5 and 6 piece, he wins the game (5+6=11 which is greater than 10). Or if a player captures the 0 piece then he also wins.

We all know that the aim of Chess is to checkmate the opponent's King, the aim of Go is to surround a larger total area of the board with one's stones than the opponent (count by scores). In Mathematical Chess, I think we must balance Chess and Go, and the game−complexity

JamesHeppell commented 1 year ago

Thank for you the game suggestion, is there an engine already available to support this game? We unfortunately wont be spending any time to support it right now. We are currently spending our time on adding the more popular games first and then branching out with alternatives. We have added this game to our list and will consider it in the future.

M-DinhHoangViet commented 1 year ago

Cảm ơn bạn đã gợi ý trò chơi, đã có một công cụ hỗ trợ trò chơi này chưa? Rất tiếc, chúng tôi sẽ không dành thời gian để hỗ trợ nó ngay bây giờ. Chúng tôi hiện đang dành thời gian để thêm các trò chơi phổ biến hơn trước và sau đó phân nhánh bằng các lựa chọn thay thế. Chúng tôi đã thêm trò chơi này vào danh sách của mình và sẽ xem xét nó trong tương lai.

Fairy-Stockfish may support it in the future You said you can add another variant if there is an engine ?

ianfab commented 1 year ago

Just because there is an open feature request doesn't necessarily mean it will be supported, it just means that there is someone who would like to have it. Realistically speaking in the case of vietnamese mathematical chess it is highly unlikely it will be added to Fairy-SF in the foreseeable future.

M-DinhHoangViet commented 8 months ago

Thank for you the game suggestion, is there an engine already available to support this game? We unfortunately wont be spending any time to support it right now. We are currently spending our time on adding the more popular games first and then branching out with alternatives. We have added this game to our list and will consider it in the future.

Currently there is no incentive (not even a website to play on)

M-DinhHoangViet commented 8 months ago
