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def train return #5

Open hyeseonko opened 6 years ago

hyeseonko commented 6 years ago


def train 의 주석을 보면 loss function list를 return 해야하는 것 같은데 2개의 Write your code는 loss function list 에 관련한 작성 부분이 없는 것 같아서 여쭤봅니다.

Write your code~End of your code 밖에 코드 작성(return loss list)해도 되나요?

MindSKKU commented 6 years ago

The question is about the comment of def train function.

I'm sorry for make you confusing. Actually the train loss list should be defined in out of the iteration loop.

train_loss_list = []        
for it in range(iterations):

Returning loss list is important in practice. But our assignment does not use loss list. So you don't need to consider about train_loss_list.