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About verbose #6

Open MindSKKU opened 6 years ago

MindSKKU commented 6 years ago

Q: 다름이 아니라, def train 함수의 parameter를 보면 iterations로 받는데, def train 마지막 줄을 보면

if verbose and it % num_iters == 0:
    print ('Ieration %d / %d : loss %f ' % (it, num_iters, loss))

다음과 같이 num_iters로 선언되어 있습니다. 바꾸지 않아도 되나요?

A: The question is about the verbose function. It should be changed like this.

num_iters = iterations / SOME_CONSTANT(recommendation is 5~10)
if verbose and it % num_iters == 0:
    print ('Ieration %d / %d : loss %f ' % (it, iterations, tr_loss))

I will give verbose=FALSE when testing time. So you don't need to change it.