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get_CIFAR10_data() #7

Open LeeHayun opened 6 years ago

LeeHayun commented 6 years ago


get_CIFAR10_data() 함수를 보면 아래와 같은 코드가 있는데, training dataset의 일부를 test dataset으로 사용해도 괜찮은건가요?

    # 2. Divide the data
    X_val, Y_val = X_tr[49000:], Y_tr[49000:]
    X_tr, Y_tr = X_tr[:49000], Y_tr[:49000]
    X_te, Y_te = X_te[:1000], Y_te[:1000]


MindSKKU commented 6 years ago

Q: Is it okay to use training dataset as a test dataset?

Validation dataset is not a test dataset. Validation dataset is aimed to tune hyperparameters in your model. If you fit your hyperparameter by using test data, it will work well on test data, but it cannot insure the generality. That's why we use some portion of training data as a validation data.