MindaugasBernatavicius / SpringBootJSPBlogCypress

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Adding references to try out the improvements #1

Open MindaugasBernatavicius opened 5 years ago

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

What are best practices for securing the admin section of a website? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2848134/what-are-best-practices-for-securing-the-admin-section-of-a-website

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

Spring Boot Tutorial : Design a Login Page using Twitter Bootstrap https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLZdfbI_OZWAP7v3bqgqQL7uH1kfn89ioH&v=CCnzrcMcWvw

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

Rewrite the project: REST API and REACT front-end: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/react-and-spring-data-rest/

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

Precompiling JSPs at compile time and at server load time. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34944004/how-to-precompile-jsp-in-a-spring-boot-application

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

Why only GET and POST are supported on HTML forms: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/114156/why-are-there-are-no-put-and-delete-methods-on-html-forms

MindaugasBernatavicius commented 5 years ago

How to specify the location of *.sql files loaded on app startup?